I feel that a legitimate moral cultural disagreement would have to be the dinner arrangement planned by Italians rather than some other culture that isn’t Italian. The dinner arrangements made by an Italian person would be that you prepare all seafood and fish for your Christmas eve feast, which is the day before Christmas. Although this has been tradition for Italians for ages, many people who aren’t Italian eat what ever they want on Christmas eve because they do not follow the Italian culture.

I feel like this statement supports the fact that cultural relativism is infact correct. This is because, although Italians do this and feel like there is no other correct thing to do but to cook fish, other cultures feel that fish is not nessesary on Christmas Eve. This proves that there is no moral truth of what to eat on Christmas Eve.


  1. A great example that really does seem to support CR. In response, I would suggest that one of the reasons that your example supports so clearly the idea that “there is no moral truth of what to eat on Christmas Eve” is because this isn’t a moral issue at all, even within the confines of a given culture. I’m no expert on Italian culture, but my guess is that even the Italians wouldn’t think it was immoral to eat something other than seafood on Christmas Eve – non-traditional, perhaps, or even silly, but not evil or whatever. So this boils down to a cultural disagreement over something other than morality.

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